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This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.

This is your Service description. Use this space to describe what the service entails, benefits for users and any other important information. Have a lot to say? Easily turn any item into a full page by clicking ‘Create a page from this item’ in the edit panel.
We are privileged to have supported organizations committed to catalyzing change in China, a key stakeholder in a global quest to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss. Here are some examples of our recent work.
Chinese commercial banks are becoming an increasingly prominent source of funding for companies and projects in and outside China. Working with Urgewald, we produced a guide to help interested communities and civil society organizations to better understand the commercial banking sector in China, including how major Chinese commercial banks operate and how they are regulated. The report also provides some entry points for engagement with Chinese commercial banks.

China is one of the world's largest consumers of agricultural commodities such as soy and palm oil that drive deforestation globally. But it isn’t just Chinese consumption of these commodities that is helping fuel forest destruction. We supported Global Witness to produce a new analysis that sheds a spotlight on the often-overlooked role of Chinese banks as some of the biggest global financiers of deforestation.

Support efforts in shifting food systems in China
Over two years, we support a dynamic group of grassroots organizations in China working to ensure that the production and consumption of healthy and sustainable food become the norm rather than the exception. As developmental evaluators, we help them learn and reflect on progress and challenges and help their funders to keep track of developments.